Thursday 6 November 2008

Institutional Research Number 9 'PRE PRODUCTION'

In the post production of the film making there are a variety of things which need to be attended to in order to create a decent overall film. Selling the product is a vital stage in the process; the producer will try to secure a sales agent who specializes in film sales. This will contribute to making the whole process quicker and more efficient. The commercial success of any film will generally be down to the sales agent and will stem from the quality of the job he delivers in selling the product. The sales agent will fall directly between the producers and the distributors, they will help access and valuate the product and negotiate distribution deals. The market itself is supposed to be known inside out by the sales agent in order to get the best possible chance of distribution. In order to actually produce the product to the general public the process can prove to be complex and time consuming. The producer of the film is unlikely to be able to produce the product to the public by themselves. Expert help will be needed by film distributors to market the film to its audience in a way in which they will attract customers to go and watch it. If the film does become successful then the producer themselves will have to secure a number of contracts getting the best possible deal for themselves and to gain as many territories as they can from the film distributors.
A successful trailer must sell the key elements of the film to the right type of audiences (as explained in the packaging stage). The value of the film must be showcased on the trailer to an industry audience; however it could often be used in a cinematic trailer. The main selling points of the film should be identified and made clear to all and ascertain what is unique about the film compared to others, and leave the audience in no doubt about what the film might end up like. The producer may put together a promo, this is where they commission the trailer themselves in order to sell the film. Only when the distribution company is attached will they start commissions on their own trailers and TV spots which will add gravitas to their overall marketing strategy. The trailer is printed on film for exhibition in screening rooms to groups of buyers. From the master print a number of further DVD copies are made to help the sales process run smoothly. If the viewers enjoyed the trailer then the producer can then use these copies to show more of the film to potential buyers. The sales pack holds information about the crew and cast, a synopsis of the finished film and information involving potential target audiences. This particular package contains additional materials which are relevant to the marketing and distribution of the film. A ‘one sheet’ will be included which has key information about the film. If the distributor can give the sales agent more tools to work with this will help them compete with other film producers and distributors and will increase their chances. A number of reports will be put together by the sales agent to access how the film will cope and how successful it will be on box office.
All over the world there are representatives from distribution companies looking out for the next best thing. They are looking for a film with excitement and provoke a war between rival distributors. Producers are put under an immediate disadvantage because they only have a set amount of money in which they can buy certain films in a year. To put themselves ahead of the competition of rivals, producers make critical acclaim one of their top priorities, it inevitably shows that the film is of a high quality from the start and creates a good impression. The enthusiasm of the audience also helps, it shows that people will want to watch the film when it is released. Once the producer has put everything into place they now know that their film is ‘hot property’ and they are now ready to sell it to various distributors around the globe.

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