Wednesday 5 November 2008


In our audience research we handed out 20 questionnaires receiving a response rate of 20 filled out returns. It was a time consuming process having to wait around for people to hand back the questionnaires to myself. In the end we managed to get all of them in and managed to gather a lot of helpful information which we will put into our film in order to meet the satisfactions of what most audiences enjoy about British Gangster films. I devised a questionnaire with asking variety of open and closed questions trying to achieve quantitative and qualitative data, which inevitably to give us guidance on what the audience is looking for in order to maximise the quality of our film. Overall most replies came back; here is a list of the necessities which most people will expect to see in a British Gangster film genre.

Male leading character
Mansions with luxury goods
Drugs (however we are not going to use this idea)

Furthermore when I scanned through the questionnaires we found out that peoples most favourite British gangster film out of, the business, snatch, layer cake and pulp fiction was snatch, scoring an impressive 10/10 rating closely followed by 9/10 for the business and pulp fiction and layer cake both scoring 7/10. From these ratings we can look at the techniques used by the director of 'snatch', being the most favourable film out of all the examples we can try to use some ideas from this film which will increase the positive audience reaction towards our final film. After careful assessments of our questionnaire replies we also found out that 16 out of a possible 20 respondents felt that the main character in a British Gangster film should act tough, ruthless and seem as though they are untouchable. The reason being for this is simply because that is normally how a most successful British gangster films portray their main characters to act in this way and this is the norm to most viewers and they expect that when they see a film matching this genre. Matching the audiences expectations is key, meeting their requirements will determine weather or not the outcome of our film will succeed and be enjoyed by people viewing it. We have made this top of our priorities list but are also trying to come up with some new ideas to make our version more excitable but inevitably keeping in some of the common ideas to maximise our chances of making an exemplary film.

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