Friday 7 November 2008


Brass Monkeys Questionnaire

In this questionnaire we hope to find out what you the audience think are the best ways to create a good British Gangster film. We have put together a questionnaire with various questions; we would like you to answer them as honestly as possible. Thank you for your time.

1. Name………………………………………………

2. Age 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+ 40+

3. Occupation………………………………………......

Here is a list of gangster films:
snatch The Business Pulp Fiction Layer cake

4. If you can, rate each film out of 10 in the boxes provided. (1 being the lowest & 10 being highest)

5 What did you like most about your highest ranked film in particular?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. What do you expect a GOOD British Gangster film to include?

(Please tick)

. Well groomed men in suits?

. Flash cars?

. Mansions?

. Street life?

. Boxing?

. Violence?

. Drugs?

. Hot Country setting?

. Guns?

. Female characters involved?

. Mixture of races and cultures?

7. What gender do you expect your main character to be?
(Please tick)

8. How do you expect your main character to act in a British Gangster film?
(Please tick)
. Tough . Shy

. Laid back . Polite

. Unapproachable . Ruthless

9. If you can: Write down Three pieces of cockney slang can you think of?


10. Who is your favourite actor In the British Gangster genre?


11. How important is the role of violence in a gangster film?
Is it……… (Please tick)

Extremely vital A good idea Not important

A mere convention

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