Tuesday 18 November 2008

Evaluation of the first shoot

At the weekend me and mitch decided to get some of the initial shots taken of the maserati. Unfortunately Jack had previous arangements, so the main part of our shooting will be next weekend where Jack is available. Me and Mitch went to the location we set out on the story board, Bat and Ball, as it looks very urban there. Whilst out on shoot we also found a better location in the industrial estate, where we got a shot of me, running down the stairs and getting in to the car. We managed to cut the footage to make it seem like mitch is driving, however it is actually mitch's Dad. The shots we got were exactly what we needed, and we got them in quite qucik time, so then me and mitch went back to mitch's recording set up to start working on the voice over, and music timing. We were very pleased with the day over all, and now we have something to work on and edit, in between other shoots.

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